# Glossary

# Site/Shop/Retailer/Company

eCommerce site that is integrated with edrone SaaS (e.g. online shoes shop).

# Integration

The process of setting up a retailer's site to work with edrone. This includes registering an account, installing modules and/or making server side changes on the retailer's site, etc.

# Custom Integration

Integration that does not take advantage of available modules for eCommerce sites. It is typically required when the eCommerce platform does not offer a sufficient extensibility mechanism (e.g. rendering custom JS scripts, access to data, etc.) or it is a custom-built store.

# Module

Package provided by edrone. It allows easy integration between the eCommerce platform and the edrone system. We provide modules for most popular eCommerce platforms e.g. Magento, Prestashop, IAI, Shoplo, Shoper, Woocommerce, Shopify, Opencart etc.

# Tracker

Individual account in the edrone system.

  • Uniquely identified by App Id
  • Managed by Agents
  • It represents a shop in edrone

# App Id

Unique identifier for a tracker. It is inserted in the retailer's JavaScript tracking code and passed by the customer's browser (e.g. 53a97649ea0b3).

# Onboarding

The process of helping newly integrated shop owners to configure their accounts, design engagements, etc.

# Mission Control (opens new window)

Administration panel for shop owners. It allows users to manage Engagements, view reports, etc.

# Customer

Person who uses retailer services and has email address. Data generated by customers (visits, orders etc.) are collected and analyzed by edrone.

# Agent

User that manages edrone Account. More than one agent can be associated with an account (i.e. Tracker).

# Engagement

A process of encouraging somebody to return to the retailer's site. It is typically a workflow consisting of multiple steps that has trigger conditions associated with them, e.g. RESTORE CUSTOMERS, RECOVER ABANDONED CARTS, etc.

# Coupon

A code that allows user to obtain a discount. It is generated by retailer and uploaded to edrone. Coupons are included in the message and redeemed at retailer's site.

  • Static coupons - an identical code is sent to all customers. The code is set in Mission Control.
  • Dynamic coupons - each customer receives a unique code. Codes are generated by the eCommerce platform and uploaded to edrone via Mission Control.

# Drag&Drop editor

A visual editor for creating HTML email templates based on dragging and dropping components (e.g. text blocks, placeholders, image elements)

# HTML editor

Visual editor for creating HTML code directly. Every email created in the Drag&Drop editor can be edited in an HTML editor. However, you cannot return to editing it in Drag&Drop editor after direct HTML modification.

# Dynamic Placeholder

An element that can be added to an email design. When an email is sent to a specific Customer the placeholder is replaced with personalized image, text etc.

# Spender

customer (identified) who made at least one order.

# One-Time Spender

spender who made exactly one order.

# Repeat Spender

spender who made more than one order.

# Inactive Customer

customer who has not visited the site for a specified period of time.

# No Risk Inactive Customer

customer who has not visited the site [0, 7) days.

# Low Risk Inactive Customer

customer who has not visited the site [7,30) days.

# High Risk Inactive Customer

customer who has not visited the site for [30, ~) days

# Spender Value

Total value of orders made by a spender. Example: customer who made two orders 24$ and 36$ has a spender value of 60$

# Low Spender Threshold

This is calculated so that the Low Spenders segment holds 80% of customers with the lowest total purchase value. Mathematically, it is the 80th percentile of spenders value. Separates Low Spenders from Medium Spenders.

# Big Spender Threshold

This is calculated so that the Big Spenders segment holds 1% of customers with the highest total purchase value. Mathematically, this is the 99th percentile of spender values. Separates Medium Spenders from Big Spenders.

# Low Spender

spender whose value obtained by edrone algorithm is equal to or less than value of Low Spender Threshold. Typically the Low Spenders group has many members.

# Big Spender

spender whose value obtained by edrone algorithm is greater than Big Spender Threshold. Typically the Big Spenders group has few members.

# Medium Spender

spender whose value is between Low Spender and Medium Spender.

# Frequent Spender

spender who is in top 25% who made the highest number of orders (order value is not considered here).

# Trend Setter

customer who is active on Social Media.

# Prospect

customer (identified) who has not made any order yet - he or she is not a Spender

# Subscription Status

Whether or not recipient wants to receive emails

  • UNKNOWN - no information is available (e.g. it is not provided by e-commerce platform)

# Double Opt-In

Process of obtaining e-mail subscription consent. Upon entering an email address, the recipient is sent an email containing a unique subscription confirmation link. When the link is clicked the email address is marked as subscribed. This process can be implemented by the shop itself or by edrone using the NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION scenario.

* Historical integrations may use OTHER for this interaction