# Subscription Status Reason
You can find customer subscription status reason in edrone panel on customer page.
ID | Type | Description |
1 | CUSTOMER_UNSUBSCRIBED | Customer requested to be UNSUBSCRIBED by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link. |
2 | HARD_BOUNCED_UNSUBSCRIBED | Recipient server returned SMTP code that was classified as HARD_BOUNCE, i.e. delivery to the target mailbox is permanently not possible. Typically happens when email address no longer exists or some other uncrecoverable error occurs. As a result customer is UNSUBSCRIBED. |
3 | CUSTOMER_SPAM_COMPLAINT_UNSUBSCRIBED | Customer issued a spam complaint for the message. |
4 | AGENT_UNSUBSCRIBED | Agent manually set the status (using Mission Control) to UNSUBSCRIBED. |
5 | EMAIL_INCORRECT_UNSUBSCRIBED | Email address is incorrectly formatted and was UNSUBSCRIBED. |
6 | TRACE_UNSUBSCRIBED | Trace which we received for the customer indicates the customer UNSUBSCRIBED. |
7 | DATA_IMPORT_UNSUBSCRIBED | Customer was imported via CSV import and the value is UNSUBSCRIBED. |
8 | EXTERNAL_API_UNSUBSCRIBED | Customer data received from External API (e.g. IAI API) indicates customer is UNSUBSCRIBED. |
9 | SPAM_BOUNCED_UNSUBSCRIBED | Message for customer got rejected by the ESP with indication that it is spam. Customer was subsequently UNSUBSCRIBED. |
10 | TRACE_SUBSCRIBED | Trace we received for the customer indicates the customer is SUBSCRIBED. |
11 | AGENT_SUBSCRIBED | Agent manually set the status (using Mission Control) to SUBSCRIBED. |
12 | DATA_IMPORT_SUBSCRIBED | Customer was imported via CSV import and the value is SUBSCRIBED. |
13 | TRACE_UNKNOWN | Trace we received for the customer indicates the customer subscription status is UNKNOWN. |
14 | ENGAGEMENT_TEST_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN | Engagement Test Message was sent to non-existing entity. In that case we create customer and set his status to UNKNOWN |
15 | SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGED_EVENT_SUBSCRIBED | Customer set subscription by clicking "subscribe" link in the email. |
16 | EXTERNAL_API_SUBSCRIBED | Customer data received from External API indicates customer is subscribed |
17 | EXTERNAL_API_UNKNOWN | Customer data received from External API indicates customer is unknown |
18 | LEGACY_UNSUBSCRIBED | Historical value not supported anymore. |
19 | CUSTOMER_DELETED_UNSUBSCRIBED | Customer has been deleted |
20 | TOPIC_OBSERVE_UNKNOWN | Email received from topic_observer where we don't have information about subscription status |
21 | DATA_IMPORT_UNKNOWN | Customer was imported via CSV import and marked as unknown |
22 | SUPPORT_UNKNOWN | Susbcription status was changed by internal support team. |
23 | SUPPORT_SUBSCRIBED | Susbcription status was changed by internal support team. |
24 | SUPPORT_UNSUBSCRIBED | Susbcription status was changed by internal support team. |
25 | CUSTOMER_RESUBSCRIBE | Customer re-subscribed on the "Unsubscribe view" |
26 | LEGACY_SUBSCRIBED | Historical value not supported anymore. |
27 | LEGACY_UNKNOWN | Historical value not supported anymore. |
28 | SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGED_EVENT_UNSUBSCRIBED | Customer unsubscribe by clicking "unsubscribe" link in the email. |
29 | DOUBLE_OPT_IN_NON_EDRONE_UNKNOWN | Customer UNKNOWN by opt-in type. |
30 | DOUBLE_OPT_IN_EDRONE_UNKNOWN | Customer UNKNOWN by opt-in type. |
31 | SINGLE_OPT_IN_SUBSCRIBED | Customer SUBSCRIBED by opt-in type. |