# SMS Subscription Status Reason

You can find customer sms subscription status reason in edrone panel on customer page.

ID Type Description
1 DATA_IMPORT_SUBSCRIBED Customer was imported via CSV import and the value is SUBSCRIBED.
2 DATA_IMPORT_UNSUBSCRIBED Customer was imported via CSV import and the value is UNSUBSCRIBED.
3 DATA_IMPORT_UNKNOWN Customer was imported via CSV import and marked as UNKNOWN.
4 AGENT_UNSUBSCRIBED Agent manually set the status (using Mission Control) to UNSUBSCRIBED.
5 AGENT_SUBSCRIBED Agent manually set the status (using Mission Control) to SUBSCRIBED.
6 CUSTOMER_UNSUBSCRIBED Customer requested to be UNSUBSCRIBED by clicking on the "unsubscribe" link.
7 LEGACY_SUBSCRIBED Historical value not supported anymore.
8 CUSTOMER_DELETED_UNSUBSCRIBED Customer has been deleted
10 TRACE_UPDATE Source of subscription change was trace
11 CHAT_UNKNOWN Chat message was sent to non-existing entity. In that case we create customer and set his status to UNKNOWN.
12 INBOX_UNKNOWN Inbox email message was sent to non-existing entity. In that case we create customer and set his status to UNKNOWN.